Thursday, October 21, 2010

EQ Clouds 10/20/10

I have to say there are some very intense looking Earth Quake Clouds around the world - some in some interesting areas, besides EQ clouds being almost everywhere.

California Coast - these are some major EQ clouds in my opinion, has a push away, besides small and large ripples within the push away clouds.

Western Canada

South U.S. - Interesting Lined Clouds

North East U.S. into Canada - Looks like a 4+ to me

Wisconsin and Lake Michigan down into Illinios

South Eastern France into Switzerland

Iceland - some major rippling off the East Coast - 4+

More Iceland - Southern area - push away hole

UPDATE 10/24/10 - 2 - 4.6s Hit one after another in the area.

Magnitudemb 4.6
Date time2010-10-23 21:58:58.7 UTC
Location63.31 N ; 23.95 W
Depth10 km
Distances136 km SW Reykjavík (pop 113,906 ; local time 21:58 2010-10-23)
129 km SW Hafnarfjörður (pop 22,289 ; local time 21:58 2010-10-23)
95 km SW Grindavík (pop 2,539 ; local time 21:58 2010-10-23)

Magnitudemb 4.6
Date time2010-10-23 20:38:29.4 UTC
Location63.59 N ; 23.59 W
Depth10 km
Distances102 km SW Reykjavík (pop 113,906 ; local time 20:38 2010-10-23)
96 km SW Hafnarfjörður (pop 22,289 ; local time 20:38 2010-10-23)
63 km SW Grindavík (pop 2,539 ; local time 20:38 2010-10-23)

Off Eastern Coast of Africa - Once More - Mozambique

IMHO - these are some Major EQ clouds off Northern Japan going into Russia - seems 6+ to me

New Zealand - Looks like they will continue to Shake

Some Real Push Away with ripples and voids off the Coast of Spain, 5+

Now, this is an interesting spot - Southern Ireland into Bristol Channel - but the ripples are definitely there.

Slovakia, Czech Republic all the way to Austria

UPDATE 10/23/10

MagnitudeML 2.1
Date time2010-10-22 19:15:00.3 UTC
Location49.73 N ; 18.50 E
Depth2 km
Distances20 km SE Ostrava (pop 312,056 ; local time 21:15 2010-10-22)
8 km SE Havírov (pop 84,681 ; local time 21:15 2010-10-22)
2 km S Terlicko (pop 4,138 ; local time 21:15 2010-10-22)


MagnitudeML 2.0
Date time2010-10-24 09:25:14.8 UTC
Location50.54 N ; 13.67 E
Depth20 km
Distances57 km S Dresden (pop 486,854 ; local time 11:25 2010-10-24)
4 km NE Most (pop 67,818 ; local time 11:25 2010-10-24)
2 km SW Branany (pop 1,173 ; local time 11:25 2010-10-24)

Little Tasmania is STILL Showing Movement - I haven't seen anything from it yet, but I am definitely expecting something there! Has consistently had EQ clouds over the area for about a month now.

Major EQ clouds over Greece and they extend all the way to Northern Africa - The Whole Med Area basically seems to be showing Earth movement.  5+

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